Or very little at least. Suitably shattered after a night grinding on Stars in Newcastle airport because I'm too tight to spring for a hotel room when I have to be up at the crack of dawn anyway (in fact, I can only imagine how bad I must have looked when my beloved collected me at Dublin airport, as even before it Martin Silke had asked me the previous evening in his usual tactful fashion if I'd been out drinking all night "because Jaysus you look shit"), I spent most of the day asleep, getting up in time to open a new account on Dusk Till Dawn poker and lob forty quid on it. John (Eames) had recommended I give the final satellite for the WSOP copycat event they're running this week a lash. 15 seats guaranteed, and I managed to snag one, which means I'm off to Nottingham in 24 hours for the 20K starting stack 2 hour clock £250K gtd event.
Also played the Ipoker 50K gtd at the same time and final tabled it, ultimately going out in 9th. Exit was all the more annoying because it was a three way all in between me (button) with yet another jack ace, the SB with A7, and the BB with AK. The BB won the hand knocking us both out, but because the SB had a few chips more than me he got 8th. Still, not a bad night's work, and I'm extremely happy with my tourney game right now.
best of in DTD Dara. I'll probably call you a few choice words when i blog Newcastle.
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