Online still going very well. Not so much on Ipoker where I've been swinging up and down without ever quite breaking single digit ROI, but I'm playing more and more on Full Tilt where I've achieved an ROI of a staggering 80% in SNGs over a decent enough sample size (200ish). It definitely feels like FT is softer. Don't get me wrong, still loads of bad players on Ipoker (most of them French or Italian) but they tend to be mad aggressives, which means there's not much you can do beyond wait for cards and hope that your plus Ev shoves run to expectation. And since they mostly play turbos at the higher stakes on Ipoker, you're never going to beat the games by a huge margin simply waiting for cards. The structures on Tilt are better and there are more bad weak tights which makes profitable exploitative play less card dependent.
I think I'm also learning to handle the swings of variance better. Losing days are hard to take of course, but by the very nature of variance you're always going to have at least 1 in 3. You also have to be able to deal with swings within a day: it's a lot easier to relax and play your A game if you get off to a good start and win your first STT, but you really do have to think of it as one long session with no one result having any real significance. A lot easier said than done though: start your day with 5 bubbles on the bounce and even a Zen monk might have trouble not feeling upset.
Yesterday, I had an appalling afternoon that saw me drop $1500, but followed it with a good evening where I won a ticket to the European Shorthanded on Ipoker and cashed in the $50K guaranteed, and then a great night session on Tilt that saw me swing my $1500 deficit around to a $2500 profit on the day. I think I'm very good at dealing with adversity and persevering (of course, there's a difference between persevering and chasing, but sin sceal eile), and perhaps less good at putting in the hours when things are going well. This afternoon I made over $1K on Tilt in my first hour and decided that was pretty much it for the day. Done and dusty. At least I'll be going into tomorrow's GUKPT in a very positive frame of mind.
I like the software on Tilt, it's infinitely better and prettier than the clunky Ipoker junk. I particularly like the fact that Notes are visible in the lobby before you sign up to a tournament (which makes game selection a lot simpler). The lack of rakeback is an annoyance, almost goes against my religion to play without it, but I suppose if you're hoovering up an ROI of 80% rakeback is less significant than if you're striggling in single digits. The other annoyance is how hard it is to get money off the site: it really is like trying to extract communion money from a Scotsman.
Hi Dara,
Check out rakeback deal for Full Tilt om Hendon Mob site.
You can open a new FT account through the Mob site with a new email address and get 27% back weekly. Also sign up bonus.
It might be an idea to contact the Mob to confirm this but I did it myself.
Mick McCloskey
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